
All Saints Primary School's opening times are:

Monday - Thursday  8.45am - 3.30pm

Friday 8.45am - 2.15pm


Please click here to read Important Attendance Information from Mrs Reed-Morrison


Please click here for Manchester City Council's Admission Arrangements for Primary Schools


Attendance Policy


Arriving late is a way of saying that something else is more important than learning. School time is there for you and for your future, make the most of it!!!!

It is important to instil strong timekeeping skills into your children from a young age. This will help to ensure that your child is self disciplined, has good time management and is learning good patterns of behaviour for adult life.

All Saints Primary School is happy to discuss anything affecting your child's punctuality.


Below you will find answers to FAQ's


What should I do if my child is sick? 

Telephone 0161 223 9325 - option 1 before 9.00am and leave a message on the school's absence line on the first day of your child’s absence or record your child's absence on ParentMail. In the message you must let us know why your child is not in school, If we have no contact from parent/carers explaining their child's absence it will be marked as unauthorised . If your child is off for a long period of time or keeps having days off for illness we will ask for appointment cards, doctors notes or prescriptions to clarify the illnesses. 


What should I do if my child has a medical appointment?

Try and book medical appointments out of school hours. If this is not possible then please show the appointment card to the office before the appointment. Your child should return to school as soon as possible after the appointment. They should not be having a full day off school as we are unable to authorise a full days absence.

What should I do if I my child needs to be absent? (Exceptional circumstances) 

If it is absolutely essential that your child needs to be absent during term time then you need to complete a request form, available at the office, to ask for permission from Mrs Stubbs/Mrs Reed-Morrison. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, the absence will NOT be authorised during term time. If permission is not given for the absence and the pupil fails to attend school, a penalty notice may be issued, which could result in a penalty fine.


What about religious observance?

We acknowledge that children at our school are of various faiths. Therefore two days may be authorised for religious observance in an academic year. Any more days will not be authorised. Please let school know before the day your child will be off. 


What if my child is late?

If your child arrives 5 minutes later than their start time they will be given a late mark in the register. If your child arrives 15 minutes late they will be given a U mark (unauthorised late mark)


I’m really struggling with getting my child to school, what should I do?

Phone school and speak to the class teacher or Mrs Reed-Morrison about it. We will support you in overcoming these difficulties. If there is a change in circumstances which may affect your child’s attendance or if you need help getting your child into a morning routine, then please let us know. We are here to help!