
 The National Curriculum sets out the minimum content and 'provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens'.  It is just one element of the education of every child. We ensure that all pupils have equal access to the full range of educational opportunities that we provide. When planning the curriculum, we ensure we are mindful that with the opportunities we provide, we do not discriminate against anyone, on the grounds of their gender (including gender reassignment), age, race, colour, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, disadvantage, nationality, ethnic or national origins. This is in line with the Equality Act 2010 and covers both direct and indirect discrimination. The compulsory subjects that will be taught in school are shown here:



English         Mathematics         Science



R. E.   Technology   History   Geography   Art   Music   P. E.   French  Computing   P.S.H.E.


 When children enter our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), they follow the Statutory Framework for the EYFS - this is laid down by the Department for Education.  Alongside this, the Development Matters in the EYFS guidance/assessment material is used, in order to help adults to understand and support each individual child's development pathway.  

We also ensure that our children have the opportunity to learn lots of additional skills and develop their knowledge and understanding fully. We take part in sports competitions and opportunities in the locality. Specialist teachers provides brass and woodwind instrument lessons.  We ensure that all children have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of enrichment experiences, including farm visits, residentials, visitors to school, outings directly linked to areas of learning, etc. 

 As well as the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, we are keen to educate the whole child, including personal, social, health, emotional and citizenship  (P.S.H.E and C). We also encourage children to take part in peer massage and relaxation to help meet their emotional needs. Independence and personal responsibility are taught through our culture of restorative justice. Children are encouraged to think flexibly, take risks with their learning and to pursue excellence in particular areas.

British values are always part of All Saints Primary School life. For more information on our British Values click HERE.


We offer a 'knowledge engaged' curriculum.  This means that children learn skills alongside knowledge, ensuring that both are explicitly developed. The skill is thought about first when mapping out the curriculum, but the knowledge is taught first. Our curriculum is about how we ensure that pupils can achieve both knowledge and skill. There is a strong emphasis on cross-curricular teaching in order to make the curriculum relevant and meaningful to pupils and for putting knowledge into context. Teachers assess both the skill and the knowledge. We have identified key skills within the subject areas which once mastered, will support children in developing further.

Topics in EYFS:

The teaching of the EYFS curriculum is delivered through a range of topics.   These can be viewed within the Curriculum Overviews for Nursery and Reception.  Please click on the appropriate year group below to view the Curriculum Overviews:

Nursery Curriculum 

Reception Curriculum


Topics in KS1 and KS2:

As mentioned in the opening paragraph above, we plan and teach some of our subjects through a topic based/cross-curricular approach. We feel this enables us to offer a more creative curriculum. This helps children to make links between their learning because they learn within a meaningful context. The topics form part of the curriculum that we have designed for each of the year groups in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.  To see the Curriculum Overview which includes all Topics/Subjects, please click on the appropriate year group below:

Year 1          Year 2          Year 3

Year 4         Year 5          Year 6


The intended impact of our curriculum is that by the end of each academic year, the vast majority of pupils have sustained mastery of the curriculum content that they have been studying, e.g. they can remember it and are fluent in it. Some pupils will have a greater depth of understanding. Impact is monitored by senior and subject leaders through lesson observations, learning walks, book scrutinies, pupil voice, assessment data tracking and half-termly pupil progress meetings.  We also want our pupils to develop as independent, confident, successful learners, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society - mirroring our school motto 'Aiming High'.


Attendance and behaviour data demonstrates the impact of the school's behaviour and attendance policies on children's attitudes to and enjoyment of school  Staff voice surveys, which enable the identification of CPD needs in relation to the curriculum model also contribute to ensuring a positive impact through appropriate implementation.  Pupil voice surveys also demonstrate children's attitudes to, and views of their learning, which also helps to 'measure' the impact of our curriculum.  Parent/Carer feedback is also welcomed and acted upon in order to support change where needed.