Mission Statement


Our Mission Statement


Aiming High. Working in Partnership with Parents and Carers’


We aim for everyone in our school community…

  • To instil a love for learning so that children achieve their personal best

and are proud of their accomplishments.

  • To have access to a wide range of activities through an exciting and

varied curriculum, enriching children's everyday experiences.

  • To work together as a team to ensure all children have a happy,

caring, nurturing environment where they feel safe and supported in order

to thrive.

  • To promote community values (honesty, kindness, positivity, respect) in

order to create a welcoming atmosphere and promote a sense of

belonging across the wider community.

  • To embrace a modern outlook of cultural diversity in our school whilst

celebrating British beliefs and values.

  • To have a collaborative approach to raising standards, promoting positive

behaviours and developing purposeful relationships

  • And last but not least…we most importantly aim to make people smile, be

brilliant, confident, brave and fantastic!