Welcome to Foundation Stage 2 (Reception)
For more information regarding Reception please click on the links below
Welcome Poster Reception Classroom Reception Outdoor Area
Reception Curriculum Map Reception Knowledge Organiser Autumn Newsletter
Welcome to Reception! Miss Hullah, Miss Mannion and Mrs Pendleton welcome you to our page!
Welcome to Reception!
Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage. If you have any questions, please call school to make an appointment to speak to one of the Foundation Stage staff; we are always happy to help!
Things to remember 
Children will take part in PE activities including dance, gymnastics and ball games. Children will be provided with a school PE kit which is a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.
Children will bring home a reading pack with a book for adults to read to children and a reading record. Depending on which phonics group your child is in, children will receive a banded book to read independently later in the year. Books will be changed on a Wednesday each week; please bring reading packs every day.
All children in Foundation Stage will receive fruit each morning.
Milk is available for Reception children for a small fee, please see the main office for details.
All children will receive homework in a homework book each week including a piece of literacy or math's. Children will receive a piece of phonics depending on the group that they are in, this will either be a piece of homework relating to the sounds taught that week, a phonics blending book or a reading book. Homework is due each Wednesday and will be sent back out on a Friday afternoon. Please let a member of staff know if you would like any help with homework; we are always happy to help!
- If you have any other questions or queries, please feel free to contact Miss Hullah on s.hullah@allsaints-pri.manchester.sch.uk We are always here to help and support!
During this half term we will be focusing on the topic of 'Marvelous Minibeasts.' Throughout of our topic we will be reading a range of books about minibeasts, especially focusing on the books 'Christopher's Caterpillars' and 'Things with Wings.' We will be learning all about different minibeasts including worms, ladybirds, spiders, butterflies, caterpillars and many more! We will be comparing different minibeasts and talking about their similarities and differences e.g. minibeasts with wings and without wings and what different minibeasts eat and live in! We will also be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and how caterpillars turn into butterflies!
We have been learning a lot in our Maths lessons so far this year. During Summer Term 2, the children will be continuing to practise their number recognition with numbers 1-20, matching numeral to quantity to 20 and using resources and ten frames to count out 1-20 objects. Our main focus during Summer Term 2 will be supporting the children to add and takeaway using numbers to 20. Children will also be practising number bonds, doubling facts, halving facts, estimation and sharing with numbers to 20.
Each half term we will be choosing quality books to read during our literacy lessons which will be the focus of our work. During Summer Term 2, we will be using different books related to our topic 'Marvelous Minibeasts'. We will be beginning the term with the story 'Christopher's Caterpillars', a story about a guinea pig that loses his pet caterpillars! The children will be using the story to make missing and found posters for the caterpillars. The children will then be reading the story 'Things with Wings', a non- fiction book about minibeasts with wings. The children will be using the book to make their own minibeast fact files. The children will be focusing on sentence writing this half term and trying to use their high five sentence writing criteria- making sure we use our phonics to sound out, capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and making sure our work makes sense!
Every day the children will take part in a phonics (read, write, inc) session. During phonics, children will be learning and practicing how to read and write. Everyday children will learn a new sound which they will learn how to say, read and write. During Reception, children will be taught Sets 1-2 which will begin with letters of the alphabet and short 3 letter words e.g. hat and will then progress to sounds with 2 letters ('special friends') and longer words e.g. fish. During Summer Term 2, children will be continuing with Set 1 phonics and beginning Set 2 phonics, where they will be learning one phoneme or special friend each day. The children will further read and write a selection of words and short sentences using their phoneme or special friend of the day and will be using Fred the frog to help them to learn! We will be playing lots of reading and writing games to help us to practice using our sounds.
Please find an example below of Miss Hullah teaching a short phonics activity so that you can see how we segment and blend simple words phonetically.
Please use the following links for fun phonics games!
Buried treasure- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure
Picnic on pluto- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto
Fishy Phonics- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/fishy-phonics?phase=2
Match the words- https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/match-cards?phase=2
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