Welcome to Year 5
For more information regarding Year 5 please click on the links below
Welcome Poster Autumn Newsletter
Y5 Curriculum Map Y5 Numeracy Y5 Foundation Subjects Y5 Reading Y5 Writing
Y5 Knowledge Organiser Y5 Science Mat Y5 Spelling Organiser
Sports Day 2021
On Wednesday 9th June Year 5 participated in Sports Day. Due to the current circumstances we were unable to run a whole school Sports day, however Year 5 socially distanced with Year 6 to complete their races.
See our pictures below!
A froggy occurrence!
Week commencing - 7th June 2021
In our English lessons, we are looking at the book Tuesday by David Wiesner. On Monday, the children came in from break time to find their classroom covered in lily pads! After a lengthy discussion they read the book 'Tuesday' to find that frogs had invaded another town similar to Gorton! The next day the children became journalists and key witnesses to the frog invasion. Have a look at some of the pictures and videos from Tuesday's literacy lesson!
Homework at All Saints is changing.
Children in Year 5 will be given a times tables test every week. Children will be tested on the multiplication and division facts for the times table they are on. In order to move on to the next times table, children need a score of 80% or more (15/18) for three weeks in a row. Children should use Times Tables Rock Stars and any additional sheets to practice their times tables.
Children will be given a spelling test every week. Children will be given their list of 10 spellings on a Tuesday, to practice for the following Monday. Children will also be given a practice sheet for their spellings each week.
Children are expected to complete and pass (over 60%) at least one Accelerated Reader quiz per week. Children’s reading records should be checked at least once a week by an adult at home.
European Languages Day
To celebrate European Languages Day, Year 5 had the opportunity to sample some Spanish food. We got to try some tortilla, some Spanish sausage (chorizo) and some Spanish cheese!
We really enjoyed the chorizo and the cheese, but some of us were a little unsure about the tortilla! Incredibly, we all tried all 3 items!
After this, we learnt how to count to 10 in Spanish and we practiced doing this both forwards and backwards!
Seesaw Learning - SEESAW
To access our learning on Seesaw, you will need the letter you were given with your own password on it.
If you have any problems, please phone the school office.
Continuous Learning
Accelerated Reading - Make sure you read and quiz on your book!
Times Table Rockstars - Keep practising your times tables! Can you beat your friends?
Daily 10 - Keep up and improve your mental maths skills using the Daily 10 Challenge.
The Kid Should See This - some cool videos on all different kinds of topics! Find one that interests you. Can you create an information leaflet or poster to tell someone else about it?
Myon Books - check out this FREE resource with lots of different books available for you to read - find a category and a book you like. Can you write a book review of the book?
Important Reminders
Homework at All Saints is changing.
Children in Year 5 will be given a times tables test every week. Children will be tested on the multiplication and division facts for the times table they are on. In order to move on to the next times table, children need a score of 80% (15/18) or more three weeks in a row. Children should use Times Tables Rock Stars and any additional sheets to practice their times tables.
Children will be given a spelling test every week. Children will be given their spellings on a Tuesday, to practice for the following Monday.
Children are expected to complete and pass (over 60%) at least one Accelerated Reader quiz per week. Children’s reading records should be checked at least once a week by an adult at home.
For this half term P.E. will fall on a Monday (Outdoor Games) and Tuesday (Gymnastics). Please remember to bring in your P.E. kit. As the months will begin to get colder, please make sure you bring an extra jumper and jogging pants with you.
Spellings will be given out every Tuesday for a spelling test on the following Monday. Children will be given a list of 10 spellings to take home, as well as a sheet to practice their spellings on.
Dates for your diary
3.9.20 - Back to school
23.10.20 - Break up for October Half Term